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Last few months, I have been going through what I refer to as a lack of sleep cycle. Eat the wrong food, participate in the wrong activity and I’m lucky to get an hour of restless sleep. This will often go on for several days to several weeks. When this occurs, and on the rare occasion I can’t get any sleep for a prolonged period, I have been known to consume a half bottle of rum just to pass out for a couple hours. When I have done that I am usually awake again in a few hours, but at least I slept. Normally I wouldn’t even take this step unless I am so tired and have to work in the morning, and all other avenues that I would normally take have failed. I wish it was simple insomnia, take a sleeping pill and that is the end of it, but unfortunately it is a little more complicated than that. I can take a pill, (and I have) and the result is no different than a half bottle of rum when it comes to the length of time I sleep. The difference isn’t even how functional I am when I wake up, ‘cause I do wake up and usually I am still exhausted.

With the prescription drug, I am not functioning for most of the day. I still have the lack of sleep, but because the drug is still in the system, I also feel drugged and lethargic for the day but after a cup of coffee I can function. Whereas when on occasion I have drank myself to sleep, I awake with lack of sleep and the alcohol still in my system and after a cup of coffee I’m pretty much functioning for the day. I know not much real difference you may say, but I enjoyed the alcohol and I functioned for a day. Not necessarily the best choice by some people’s standard, but try going without sleep week after week with little enjoyment and I am willing to bet you’ll try it too.

And for those who are convinced it’s just not a suitable way to deal with your problems, relax, it is very rare that I over indulge in self medication, the point I am trying to make is that often veterans will chose self medication because they at least get a small amount of enjoyment out of a very torturous experience. If feeling drugged with no enjoyment or feeling drug with a small amount of enjoyment is your only choice; you’re going to choose whatever gives you that slight bit of humanity. The following are excerpts from an online conversation I had with fellow veterans on what we do to encounter a good night’s sleep. I edited it for privacy and to condense their thoughts, but I’m hoping you see the pattern I am moving toward.

Dave Been noticing a lot of veterans been struggling with issues around sleep, I too periodically have this issue. Not as bad as I used to prior to Loreta Neurofeedback. But it still happens…… Especially when I get triggered. So point of post is what works for you, anything other than prescription treatments that work for you. Especially like to hear about alternative health stuff been having a lot of success since departed from conventional doctor and pill treatments. So far my number one method of dealing with insomnia when back allows is hard manual labour, if I don’t fall asleep naturally first day by second or third I am out like a light……

Stephen (Me) I pay attention to what I eat. Had popcorn (high in starch) yesterday for the first time in months, and didn’t sleep last night. This is the second time I had popcorn and didn’t sleep. Got rid of a lot of foods from my diet, (all Starches and Sugars) but still experiment to see what aids or hinders my sleep. As for those sleepless nights, I don’t panic anymore, I just let them happen and get as much rest as I can.

Matthew Neurofeedback calms the mind so much, also IREST meditation, being outside with nature staying away from stressors (SELFCARE). Also medical cannabis, no nightmares, night sweats and I feel so rested. I honestly don’t consider this a prescription since its natural lol

Derrick I do acupuncture as much as possible. A natural herbal medicine I’ve taken is Calm ES. It calms the body and mind. Something to look into as an alternative to traditional western medicine.

Mike Sadly what works for one may not work for another, Neural feedback, EDMR, sensory deprivation list goes on and on. I was plagued with horrific nightmares from my PTSD for more than 28 years. Existing on little more than three hours of sleep a night. Two years ago I discovered the wonders of medical marijuana. Since then I’ve been getting 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted and more importantly, undisturbed sleep. Actual rest.

Cognito Food is a big one. Simple rule eat close to the bone and root. Processed foods are the killer. I haven’t had any form of caffeine 6 years. I’m not an angel I do like my beer (wheat free). If I can’t sleep I’ll go for a walk. Don’t have to wave at anyone everyone is sleeping lol.

Jessica I use Young Living Essential Oils. I put some on my skin but mostly my diffuser is running every night. I change up the smells, but it always includes lavender. The smell triggers sleeps. Also, no books or electronics in the bedroom. If I lay down for 20 minutes and am not asleep, I get up, do something and try again. I forget the name for it but its healthy sleep habits or something. Oh, and electronics need to go off an hour before I go to bed.

Rob Believe it or not. ..Rosehip tea with some loose catnip thrown in. Add a little honey…and off to sleep!

Rob I have a meditation app I listen to

Keep in mind many of these people have dealt with PTSD for decades. Here is the pattern I’ve been observing through many of these conversations, no one wants, enjoys or is searching for a pharmaceutical solution to the problem. All have tried and dismissed it not liking the side effects. All have chosen some form of self alternative medication that offers at least some enjoyment. Now I’m not advocating the bottle solution and in truth, I drink very little as I find it to can also be responsible for long waking periods, and it is very rare that I would consume a large amount. It strikes me the importance of natural remedies over prescription drugs, the importance of routines over the ease of pharmaceuticals; that it is not one opinion, but a collective belief that our routines and overall healthy living are far more important than many care to endure. And that this collective consciousness developed independently of each other over decades of unrest.

Stephen Beardwood

Stephen Beardwood

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Our purpose is to promote quality peer support for veterans. We do this  by providing guidance, ongoing support, and mentorship to veterans mental health non-profit organizations, and through providing information and resources to Veterans and Health Care Providers.

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